



Working with clients to create social equity is a source of deep joy for 托Ogunfolaju达乌度. It’s not surprising as she has a deep personal connection to the issue. Having emigrated from Nigeria with her family when she was three years old, she’s witnessed firsthand the underinvestment in minority communities, 谁被优先考虑,谁没有. That experience has fueled her passion to help clients rethink the possibilities and discover a new balance.

Toyin started her career in government relations at a law firm. 利用她从那次经历中获得的曝光率, she pivoted to paratransit outreach for Maryland Transit Administration. Soon after, Toyin was chosen as the Manager of Mobility Services/Community Outreach Liaison. It was here she began to see how policy changes could affect end users and how user feedback could, 反过来, 影响政策, 在这种情况下, to help people with disabilities gain better access to mass transit. 

在她加入雅各布斯的十年里, she’s served as project manager or 程序 manager for infrastructure projects, most recently as the 程序 director for the Capital Enhancement Program to upgrade Philadelphia International Airport’s infrastructure. In her newly created role as 正规博彩十大网站排名’ North America Director of 社会价值 and Equity, she’s creating an internal forum for practitioners to exchange best practices while operationalizing social value and equity in 正规博彩十大网站排名 projects.

她不工作的时候, 你很可能会在操场上找到托因, 探索恐龙博物馆, 或者和儿子一起唱《小鲨鱼.

  • 10


  • 1,382


  • 2011


“When you really are intentional about delivering infrastructure with social equity and social value as a priority, 这些投资将, 坦率地说, 获得更大的回报.”





How does social equity and community outreach inform large 程序s?

Prioritizing social equity and community outreach is a means of getting the most out of a large 程序. 如果你想象一下, 如果你有意计划, 设计和交付时要牢记这一点, 你会得到更高的收益或投资回报. It’s critical that 程序s be delivered on time and within budget, but delivering projects with social equity in mind will maximize and support the legacy of the organization delivering that 程序. 我真的认为我们可以看看这些大型项目, 他们的首页和资产, 把它们看作是一种社会资产. 当你在这样的背景下思考的时候, we can start to address some of the larger social issues around underinvestment, how infrastructure can bring people together and start to solve challenges.

社区参与怎么强调都不为过. It informs the understanding of potential benefits and burdens of project delivery. Meaningful inclusive engagement tries to avoid making assumptions about community needs, 偏好或生活经历. 如果项目愿景中包含了共同创造, 在项目的整个生命周期内执行, 社区将在投资中看到自己, 要有共同拥有的意识. 

How does a focus on social equity bring about positive impact on the communities we serve? 

一切都是相连的. 我想起了我年轻的时候, 如果有人告诉我STEM(科学)的职业生涯, 技术, 工程, 数学)是一种选择, 我的职业轨迹可能会略有不同, 甚至去学校成为一名工程师! I can’t believe they let a liberal arts major run rapid like this. 

Integrating social value into how we at 正规博彩十大网站排名 talk about our work and how we talk about the people behind the work, can plant seeds for folks who will become our future problem solvers, 应对最大的挑战. 我认为你不能过分夸大这种连通性. That someone who is contributing to the industry can bring their lived experience to delivering work, 创造更多的纹理. They then get to pass that learning along to their families and loved ones fueling that ecosystem, uplifting and exposing another generation to how we can use our tools for a positive impact, 更大的利益.

How many individuals grew up not necessarily being exposed to blue or green spaces? Think about what difference can be made in quality of life and wellbeing by delivering 程序s and projects that create more access to those spaces. 

当你想到 气候的响应, which we know is one of the biggest challenges of our generation, 我们如何重新装备, prioritize and upgrade our infrastructure and assets in a way that can really prioritize communities so that they are resilient to climate change?

Can you 分享 an important lesson you’ve learned in recent years? 

我很幸运能和杰出的人一起工作, talented individuals with diverse geographical backgrounds, 生活经历和不同的职业. 我学到的是,这种社会价值观念, 社会公平, is not some aspirational idea that can't be attained in our day-to-day. 我想不出系统, 机构, processes that couldn't support or maximize social value impact. There is potential – social value is in everything that we do. 无论我们是在谈论融资, 环境, 经济学, 或交通, 到处都是.

Knowing this, we can operationalize how we develop policies. We can operationalize this in how we engage in the community. We can realize this through how we put out our procurements for services and products and in our supply chain. 前途无量.

When you aren’t working, what are we most likely to find you doing? 

我有一个年幼的儿子,所以生活围绕着他转. Between the playground and dinosaur museums, and singing “baby shark,” I’m busy!

在我不那么忙碌的过去, I’ve helped kids with writing and mentoring them with their schoolwork through the 强大的作家 程序. I was also, at one time, a court-appointed special advocate for kids in the foster system. 我还活跃于几个行业组织.


是人. I can't overstate that – the people and the heart of the folks I work with. 他们真的很在乎他们所做的, 他们工作的质量和影响, and holding our organization accountable to make sure that it is a priority all day, 每一天.